Agent Resources February 22, 2024

3 Effective Techniques for Real Estate Agents to Sell More Houses

As a realtor, there’s a constant goal that’s always front and center – how to sell more houses. In Harrisburg, PA, and other bustling markets, the need to increase real estate sales is ever-present. Here, we’ll dive into three proven techniques that boost a realtor’s sales pipeline and ensure they’re the go-to person for house hunting in their area.

Sell More Homes with a Strong Network

Word-of-mouth is a force of nature in real estate sales. It’s about who you know, who they know, and how well you’re known. Cultivating relationships with past clients, industry professionals, and the local community creates a robust network. This network creates the potential for increased referrals for those looking to sell their home.

Local Community Involvement

Get involved in the community. However, don’t just show up, be an active participant. Attend local events, join boards, volunteer – become a familiar face in the community. Find networking activities on sites like Meetup or Eventbrite that are interesting to you and your potential clientele. Also, if you are located in Central PA, try events put on by Downtown Camp Hill. This visibility makes you top-of-mind when real estate conversations arise.

View our blog post dedicated to networking in Central PA here.

Exceptional Service

When you go above and beyond, people talk. Delivering exceptional service turns clients into advocates. They’ll sing your praises to friends and family, expanding your reach far beyond traditional marketing.

Host Creative Open Houses

The open house is a realtor’s stage. But why not turn the classic walkthrough into a showstopper? By creating an event with a welcoming atmosphere and refreshments, you’re crafting a memorable experience for potential buyers.

Memorable Impression

It’s about creating a vibe that sticks with people long after they’ve left. Maybe it’s the local jazz trio you hired, the gourmet bites from Chef De Crepe, or the unique staging. These touches can make a house feel like a future home.

Opportunity to Partner

Collaborate with local businesses for your open houses. It’s a win-win: they get exposure, and you enhance the event’s appeal. This partnership can also blossom into a valuable component of your sales pipeline.

Consider Virtual

In our increasingly digital world, a virtual open house can be a game-changer, especially for out-of-town buyers. High-quality VR and 3D videography can make house hunting an anytime, anywhere activity.

Leverage Social Media & Digital Marketing

In the digital age, your online presence is your business card, billboard, and storefront all rolled into one. Utilize social media to broaden your reach and sell more houses!

Social Media Platforms

Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and even TikTok can catapult your listings into the spotlight. Showcase homes in their best light, share testimonials, and give followers a peek into the life of a realtor who’s always on the move in the Harrisburg area.

Targeted Advertising

Get scientific with your advertising. Tools like Google Ads and Facebook Advertising allow you to zero in on your ideal clientele. Using even a small budget for advertising can help ensure that your open houses are packed and that bids come rolling in.

Boost Your Brand

A strong brand is your silent salesperson. Use ads to target potential home sellers, not just buyers. A well-known brand means more listings, more sales, and a healthier bottom line.

Sell More Houses

By integrating these strategies into your business, your ability to sell homes and increase your commissions should see a significant boost. Whether it’s through building relationships, creating unforgettable open houses, or harnessing the power of digital marketing, these tips can help you sell more houses and have a successful real estate career. Try these techniques to close more deals and make house hunting in Harrisburg, PA, an adventure for every client.